Monday, July 8, 2019
On climate crisis games, for Rock Paper Shotgun
As part of previously announced shifts for this blog, I'm going to start pitching my longer design articles to various outlets instead of posting it here.
The first of these articles is now up -- it's a piece about various climate crisis games and how they play with the idea of environmental apocalypse. I also define a rough taxonomy of different climate crisis game subgenres, like flood games, ice age survival sims, and world sims.
As we all grapple with the ramifications of climate change, it's important for us to imagine stories and worlds about it, because this is how we process life as a society. If you look back at art and media in the 60s and 70s, you'll see a lot of "space age" art and aesthetic, obsessed with rocket ships and moon colonies, essentially giving birth to alien invasion stories and space opera. I think we're in the first half of a similar "green age" wave of environmentalism across art and culture, and there's already a lot of emerging genres and traditions here.
You can read it all over on Rock Paper Shotgun. Thanks to Brendan Caldwell for thoughtful edits.